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Sunday, January 30, 2005


today floorball was tiring... lot of people came down..and there were more girls than guys!!...I got to admit...Azmi improved a little..i think in a few ..ehem2..months time he will be as pro as me..hahaha...

we trained passing and stuff for about 1-2 hour before playing 2 sided game for 2 hours..wah..damn tired..my legs ar giving me cramps..luckily tmr i strt sch at 10...can sleep a little bit longer..hehe

this coming week will be very tiring..mon-thurs,sat im working and if i get off on thurs..going out with azmi and liyana(in the process of planning)..and on sunday there's floorball...fuh..wad a week ahead..hahaha

| name fought for sanity @ 9:32 PM|


-Feng Shui--1 scary mocie..-

woke up at 1230..1st time in my life..but wad woke me up is not because of the heat or anything..its becos of 1 very2 weird dream...or shd i say NIGHTMARE!!!

well..the nightmare was about me dead..its started out from my bed..i was being carried to my hal..as i was being carried i head people praying 4 me as the read out religious verses...those people were my relatives...they were staring at me..its not the sad look..but more of the angry look..as those people leave only my parents were by my side..i remembered that i stood up only to see my body still lying as my parents were by my "body" crying..i pulled my mothers shirt and she talked to me..."azfar...jgn takut..mama dan papa akan slalu doa kan azfar.."4 those who did not understand.."azfar dont be scared..mama and papa will always pray 4 u.. "den i pulled my dad's pants..we somehow managed to communicate..i asked him wad happen and he told me tt i was trapped in a lift and i died of suffocation.."at that moment i realise that there were no more room 4 forgiveness..pintu taubat dah tutup...at that moment i really2 thought i was dead...

suddenly i just woke up..i looked around..pinched myself before realised it was just a dream and tears started to roll down my cheecks..i dont know..i just feel that i was given another chance in life..

anyways..i asked dani out today..since we both had nothing to do..we watched a show call feng shui..a tagalog-languaged scary movie...i was so freaking scary man...i actually screamed a few times..u guys should catch it..i give it 7/10...

we den walked down ochard road...we watched a band playing and a street busker..before eating at burger king at weelock place...we chit chatted and i know more about my the good fren of mine..after that i had to rush home for some important family matter..i had a great time...i guess she had a great time 2..hehe..

| name fought for sanity @ 3:51 AM|


Friday, January 28, 2005


i dont know weather 2 thank shamil or to kick his ass...yesterday nite i asked him wad time was sch..he tol me 8.30..

so i woke up early and went to school with my good fren Dani..when we reached dover mrt station it was 840..so i rushed to the classroom and found out it was locked and there were no 1 inside..so i called shamil..

me:"mil,the class is at which level ar??"
mil:"mmm level 6 ar..y?"
me:"im at level 6!!!no 1 in class..where are u??"
mil:(started laughting)"HAHAHA...im in the train..class at 9 lah..hahahha"

i was fooled...hahha..luckily there was Dani..we had a drink b4 cuming to class early 4 the 1st time this semester...hahahah..

ok..then went ut with Azmi 4 a while before going off to work...today there's a small band playing cover songs...to be honest the band was great except for the singer...he had no voice man!!he's worst than william hung..ok2 im just exegerating,,he sucks man..u know y?he sang few of my fav songs and he make it sounds bad...he sang better man-robbie williams..in my place-coldplay..tts y u go-mltr and the reason-hoobastank..and this song he really kill it...he dont even know the lyrics!!!!just shoot only...fuck man...i feel like trowing my shoe at him..since i am short of shows i decided not..hahaha..

anyway..my brother fetched me..earlier in the day liyana told me that she played pool with her fren..so tt i and my bro decided to play pool at far east shopping center..and i beat him!!!for the 1st time..3-1!!hahha...finally the student has beaten the guru..

after that we had supper at tanjong pagar railway station before heading back home..reached home ard 4..

| name fought for sanity @ 7:20 PM|


-stupeeed barber...-

today school starts at 10..but i leave hse at 945..reach sch at 1030 but when ir each the classroom the whole class shouted out : "bye2!!!"..i looked over to shail and zaim and they told me tt class has just finished..hahaha..haiz..den the nesxt class is at 1pm..so had ard 2 1/2 hour of break..then the next class was from 1- 2pm..damn..i felt that i should have come at 1 pm...haha..

anyways...met azmi after school and he accompanied me to have my haircut..but the barber was so stupid she cut my hair so short and my hair now sucks...i look like 1 freaking gangster!!!!!haiz...

den met up with Liyana and we watched Alfie....at Cathay Cineleisure....my old working place...met ayub..meita...and the ever cute and bulat shaiful...haiz...i missed them a lot...chat with them 4 a while b4 watching the show

the movie is quite good ar..i guess it describes the word "karma" best...i gotta admit that the vespa in the movie tt alfie rode was so damn freaking cool..mayb ill get a motor licence after i passed my driving..hehehe..

after tt followed azmi and liyana do some window shopping...b4 heading back home to celebrate my sis bday...

"happy bday 2 u..happy bday 2 u.. happy bday 2 Izzah..happy bday 2 u......."

bought her a swensen ice cream cake..yeah..tts about it 4 today..hehehe

| name fought for sanity @ 2:08 PM|


Wednesday, January 26, 2005

-I like big butts and i cannot lie...but hers??ewww...-

i begining to hate her...that big butt bitch from my work...i hate working with her sey..if she stands at the concession stall she took half of the space there..hard 4 people to walk..

den when im serving costermer she like to stare at me..as if im doing something wrong..make me loose my concentration only..scary seh..if she is pretty nvm lah...

the part i hate most is when she closes my counter..she just say excuse me..push me aside and print out the report..on top of tt she just took the money from my cash drawer...to me its so rude..i dont like people touching my money..she could just slip $50 in her pocket and i could have short $50...haiz..lucky today i got no shortage...

after tt when i was counting my stock quietly 1 corner..it was so peaceful..sudenly she came towards me and snatched my report..."no..u shld count like this..this 1 add this 1 and this 1 = 48...this 1 much faster rite??u must do this 1 faster!!"..wah fuck man...she did not even observe
wad im doing and she claims her method was fast..tt 1 thing..the other thing was the total cup was 35 not 48..count oso dunno how to count properly...haha..den lastly she ask people to do thing fast hen she herself had not even finish her paperwork!!!its like asking people to wipe thier backside when her own backside is full of shit!hahaha..*(this 1 i make myself..hahah)..we could have go home early but then she is the 1 who was holding us back..mayb her backside is too heavy ar...haiz..

tmr gonna be my resting day..going out with azmee and liyana..catching a movie..still not decided...haha..

| name fought for sanity @ 4:05 PM|


Tuesday, January 25, 2005


Saturday i went to my grandma's place at Johor Bahru for a little gathering..so nice to see my grandma after so long..

it was fun playing with my niece and nephews..they are all so cute...hahaha...played soccer with them and burn some firecrackers at night...

we also did some bbq-ing..there was hotdogs..fishballs and a lot of mutton meat...and of corse ikan bakar...well to be honest im not a big fan of ikan bakar..hehe..but there was no satay.. :(..
but i ate a lot man..

spent the rest of the time joking with my grandma and my aunties..

check out my pics to see some of the photo's it took there...


Yesterday's training, i got to admit, was so freaking boring....there were like ard 9 people that attended..in the end we played 2 aside all the way...Rizal,her cousin got ,married..Adzmin has an ankle injury..Akil and Hafiz was debuting for the moosemen...Shaiful went to watch the RP girls' game..Zaki claims to have family matter(while Shamil told me tt he followed Shaiful to watch the game...)..Dani went to the zoo with her family...so as you can see most of the guys did not attend..


well today attended school for just 1 1/2 hours only..from 1-2.30pm..there was no class at 8 am..and i dont feeli like attending the tutorial class at 10..monday blues i guess...especially after the long weekend..

anyway..went to Bukit Batok Driving Center after that..i need to take my Basic Theory Evaluation test..manange to pass it after 2nd attempt..so now going to take the Basic Theory Test this feb..if i pass this test i will get an Provisional Driving Licence(PDL),which means i can start my practical lessons..hehe..soooooooo excited..hahahaha

| name fought for sanity @ 1:47 PM|


Saturday, January 22, 2005

-The Bastard Strikes Again....On Hari Raya!!-

//Explicit Language\\
.:::::the following post is not suitable for children below 16:::::.
.:::for ladies out there please mind my language:::.
Today's Hari Raya Aidiladha and as usuall our family went to the mosque ar..but when we came back..our pond outside my house was being sabotaged...the bloody person plucked out our plants and threw them into the pond..and today is not the 1st time tt fucking bastard did it..this has been going on for the past 2 weeks..the person even tried to steal the water pump in the pond...today is not as bad as the 1st time..tt time that fucking asshole threw in 1 of our pots in it and all the dirt in it polluted the water in our pond...and its not easy to clean tt mess up u noe..its damn tiring..if i get hold of tt bastard i'll make sure he pisses in his pants and he'll gonna regret for the rest of his life..hey bastard!!!!watch ouT!!!!im watching you....
Anyway..since all the sheep has not arrived, my famliy and i spent the whole day at home..watched tv the whole day..quite bored ar..but tmr my grandma is having a small gathering at her house in malaysia..hehe..heard from my mom there's gonna be bbqing..hm..please lah..i want satay...heheh...

OK thats all for today....To all my muslim frens..Slamat Hari Raye Haji..

| name fought for sanity @ 10:48 AM|


Thursday, January 20, 2005

-Simon says....goodbye-

im having my break now and decided to update my blog cos tonite im working..no time lah..

last nite the guys from movie bites gathered for a dinner with Simon..he leaving so we decided to blanja him mkn at Newton...it was my first time eating there...the food was nice ar...Finally got to eat satay...but it was chicken satay..but nvm lah..janji satay..hahahha

it was fun lah..with Azmi and Liyana ard it will never be boring..haha..took photos at unexpected places...like phone booth...and the side road..hahaha..

reached home ard 10+ and i had to make a power point presentation which it is due today at 8am i had not even started on it...finally finished ard 12.15am..


today i woke up at 8 am....Yes..8 am..and my presentation is at 8 am...but luckily i had send shamil the ppt file the nite b4..but still i had to attend the I.D.E.A.S. class if not i will not get the presentation marks..reached the class at ard 9.35am...damn i must learn to be more punctual...

tonite will be fun at work..its gonna be an all malay nite...and with Azmi as the in-charge we can slack..hahahha...

| name fought for sanity @ 4:31 AM|


Monday, January 17, 2005

-sooo tired..-

today was damn tiring....sarted sch early in the morng and finished at 5..went back home 4 a while to have a short nap before going off again to Bukit Batok Driving Center..my driving class was at 7.50 all the way to 10.30..haiz...so tiring..

i am on the verge of completing my basic theory..i think by next mon i can start on my final theory..so excited..hehehe..

| name fought for sanity @ 10:41 PM|


Sunday, January 16, 2005

-Majulah Singapura-

hey2..just reached hm from the Kallang Stadium...4 the 1st time in my life i saw the national stadium filled to its capacity..it was red all ard..i had fun there ar..

but getting into the stadium was really fustrating ar..when i reached the stadium the east entrance was closed...the i and Riezal ran to the south entrance...its closed too..waited about 5 mins before deciding to go to the north entrance..the queue was moving but really2 sloooooooow....haha..about 15mins queueing up,a stadium official told us tt the east entrance was open again..so i and Riezal ran to the east entrnace...and FINALLY we got in the stadium...

when Indra Sahdan scored i and riezal were celebrating like hell..then came a photographer and took a picture of us..so i hope my pic will come out in the newspapers tmr..so excited..hahahha

tmr dont feel like gg to sch ar..tmr strt at 8 am..and i end at 5 pm!!its gonna be a loooong day man..haiz..

| name fought for sanity @ 11:16 PM|


Saturday, January 15, 2005


just came back from Dian's chalet...ok ar quite fun..met up with old frens and with the crazy Hazqil ard,theres always laughter...i was expecting satay 2 be served..quite dissapointed..its been a while since i ate satay..i spent most of the time crapping out with Liyana..hahaha

finally went back by taking a cab home..i shared my cab with Zal Esdy and Wani...they were flirting with Wani all the way seh...hahaha..like they say guys will be guys..

im really excited about tmr BIG match..Singapura againts Indonesia..at the sold-out national stadium...

talking abt soccer MAN UTD won againts Looserpool..hahahhahaha..wohoo!!!

| name fought for sanity @ 4:10 PM|


Friday, January 14, 2005

-The Virgin Finally Begins to Write-

hey there..this is my first time blogging..hahah..my page is cool rite??well its all possible with the help of Azmi and his fren Shikin..Thanks guys..

ok..lets talk about my day..woke up as usuall and was getting ready to go to EEE tutorial..but then Shamil called and asked me 2 skip the tutorial class ar and just attend the maths lecture which was at 10am..

Den being my usual self i came late for the maths class..i came at abt 10.20 am..2 my surprise the maths lecture has already ended!!!in the end i came 2 sch 4 nutting..hahhaha..

But its ok..aft tt went out with Azmi to folllow him buy his stuff...

at work today...becam the kacang putih boy again..sooooo boring!!hahaha..

Its 3am and im still awake..tmr is gonna be a packed day....morn got soccer..then my Driving class and at nite there's a party at East Coast..

| name fought for sanity @ 6:04 PM|
