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Tuesday, May 31, 2005

-wah piang-

sat was really tiring day...sat morng started out with floorball..i came and i had a short training..cos the people need to set up the cca booth for the cca booth..after weeks without floorball it was fun lah...ok went straight home after that washed up and go staight 2 work...

work was really tiring...there were sooo many people!!wad made me mad was there were no ice!!how are we suppose to serve drinks without ice??right??

finished work at 4+...glad that everything went on smoothly..no shortages and such lah..reached home arond 530am..slept for awhile and woke up at ard 730am...

that was after farid called me..he ajak me to play soccer..he told me afzal esdy and yan playing..its been awhile since we,part of team kite,met each other..so i say to myself..y not?we met up and played some football..was fun..glad to meet them...

went home after that slept for awhile before following my bro. to play soccer at pioneer sec...i played around 10mins...mayb i have a lot to show them since my poor poor performance during the previous match..anyway they lost..if only they had let me play..hahaha

ok today is cca week..woke up late 4 sch...class is at 8 i woke up at 730...lucky dad's ard to send me to sch...i reach ard 830..i wasnt planning to skip classes..but the booth needed people and i dont feel like going classes so i decided to skip class lah..i met some of the freshies of the mls camp..im glad they are not sombong..they are the 1 who called me..yeah..i managed to recruit ard 90 freshies to join floorball...if i was not ard i guess there will b only 9 freshies..hahahha...

im sitting down here blogging while thingking of three ice-breaking games and 3 tele-match games for the coming camp...i really want the freshies to enjoy the camp...im suppose to plan with the other game master..but zaki(bulu) is away on a holiday and i have to do this alone.. :(
hopfully the games i come up are fun...god please help me...

| name fought for sanity @ 11:50 AM|


Saturday, May 28, 2005


i haven been myself lately...ignoring my frens sms...shouting back at my sisters..spend all day in the room by myself..wads happening to me??

i guess my mind is in a mess right now...school starting soon..im not prepared...its seems that my holiday are short..i need 1 more week...holiday is the time where i should get some rest...but work..camps...floorball..its tiring for me...

hmm...mayb thats not the reason why my mind in a mess...mayb im in love...well im in love with 2 girls...i dunno...im confused...again i let myself in this situation...which 1 is the right 1 4 me...?im afraid to let go of 1..im afraid i will break some1's heart..haiz...only time and fate will lead me to the right girl...

tonight im working again...hopefully the crowd is not that bad..mayb its gona be bad..1stly its begining of their holidays....2ndly today is the opening of madagascar....agrh!!!

| name fought for sanity @ 1:45 PM|


Friday, May 27, 2005

-im back...-

im back from the mls camp....and tt was on last friday..
the camp was fun..met new frens...have fun while mixing with the freshies...

hit with a high fever on friday night..its high i tell u...the highest recorded was 39.4'C..i guess i must have gotten the flu bug from the camp...1st was Asri...then shahid got it...the jufri..then its me..

the doctor gave me 2 days mc...but i skip 3 days of work..supposed to work on sat sun and monday..yeah 4 the 3 days i guess movie bites was short of staff..to add insult to injury star wars is screening and there are many people flocking in...im sorry guys..

lets talk about the camp..

hmmm....my favourite part of the camp is when the freshies had to cook using the few ingredients...im amazed tt a lot knew how to cook...well some group's food looks nice but taste bleagh..some look bleagh but taste nice...haha

another interesting part is the nightwalk..or this year they called it the confidence walk...ok..1stly its on a thursday night..(malam jumaat) and the walk commence after midnight...interesting?wait tts not all...the girls will walk in pairs and the guys will walk ALONE!!hahha...i was stationed at the business block..i have to patrol around and yes i have to walk pass the famous red bridge a few times..i feel the ghost stories ar all bullshit..i don feel any presence when i walk there...

u can see all the pics under my photos....

oh yeah!!on friday i had my 1st practical lesson..i was very kan chong...was jerking the car every now and then...the engine was switched off a few times...i learned left and right turn...i cant wait for my next lesson..which i have yet to book...hmm..when's the perfect time ya??

| name fought for sanity @ 4:04 AM|


Sunday, May 15, 2005


been a bz week...work and stuff...

yeah the fb camp was enjoying mainly because 3 reasons

1)my mini-league team,"Batu Lesong" won 1st place...i captained the team...
2)my handball team won 2nd place...
3)i scored my 1st goal for SP...scored againts MI..

watched 2 movies this week..Coach Carter on Monday and Amytiville Horror yesterday...both are based on true stories..i like...haha..

can u guys believe it??weekend movie tickets are priced at $9.50!!its super crazy man!!luckily the show was great...if not...haha

anyway tmr ill be gone for almost a week..im involved in the MLS FO camp..looking forward for it..so you guys wont be hearing from me 4 quite some time...again..

starting my 1st driving practical lesson this friday...at 330pm..excited man..yeah i decided to take up private lessons instead of continueing with the school..mainly because of the price per lesson..in BBDC they charge me $76 per hour...bt private they charge me $24 per hour!so damn fricking cheap...


i dreamt of u last night..
u were there smiling at me...
im gonna miss you...

| name fought for sanity @ 1:47 AM|


Saturday, May 07, 2005

-happy Bday mama..-

today is 6th of may...today is my mum bday!haha..
i bought her this beautiful crystal vase and i plcae 3 nice small cute roses..as far as i know...3 roses stands for "i love u" and 1 rose stands for "i like you" *winks*..haven gave her yet...my sis is buying her a cake..she also made this beatiful card specially for her..

choosing the vase was hard..im not good at choosing things..luckily there was Liyana..she also helped me in choosing the roses...thanks a lot.. :)

im leaving for my floorball camp soon..i have to report at 6 but i guess i'll have dinner wif mum before going..leaving home on her bday..wad a gift...to make things worse i wont be at home on mother's day morning..i must make sure i do sumthing nice to her on tt night...


hehehe..eeee(i sound so gay man!!)


yeay!!more good news!!my pay have been increased!!!all my hard work had been paid off!!!wooho!!!


to all the mothers and soon to be mother and to all the grandmother and grandmother-to-be and whoever who is associated with mother.....

@---^--HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!--^--@

| name fought for sanity @ 8:18 AM|


-D stands 4 distiction rite??-

ok i got my results...is not very impresive..

Projoct 1...................................B
Creating Your Own DVD.......B
Critical Reasoning Skills........C+
Digital Electronics..................C+
Engineering Maths................D+

yeah..im happy bout my Principles of Electrical & Electronic Eng....i expect an F...but instead a C..but really dissapointed at my maths..i was aiming no lower than B...argh..but the important thing im going to second year..phew..mayb its time to repent..


watch KINGDOM OF HEAVEN with Alfian, Azmi & Hamizan at lido after work yest..its the first time i watched at lido 1!haha..anyway the show is great..if u guys wish to spent ur last $8 on sumthing nice u should watch this..this is the second time i watch a movie on the date of its release...the other 1 was The Eye 2..

its a biiiiit confusing in the begining but u'll understand the whole story towards the end...i just love the fighting scenes..its like LOTR + Troy..for those girls out there Orlando Bloom will surely melt ur hearts away..

u guys must watch!!!hahaha...

well in the movie alfian and azmi slept!!!man..u pay $8 to sleep in the cinema??!!thats why both of them dont understand the movie..haiz..hahaha

| name fought for sanity @ 12:31 AM|


Thursday, May 05, 2005

-hey..every1 deserve a second chance..-

work was rather bored...theres nothing we can do..no customers..theres plenty of popcorns..so no need 2 pop...everything was in order...spent the morning chatting and playing..

after out went out wif azmi and yana...walked ard orchard road and search for gifts for mother's day..found a beatiful crystal vase..thought of buying mum tt with few stalk of roses in it..i bet she'll love it...


liverpool won!!yeay!!they really deserved it..the fans were on their back all the while..like i expected gracia would score..im begining to like him..so skillful..he always score spectacular goals..remember the 1 when he score againts my Juve??its a waste tt he's not in man utd..


i slept late last night..
i was thinking bout her...
mayb i was mad..
mayb i was over-reacting..
she made me smile again today..
she deserves a second chance..

| name fought for sanity @ 10:30 AM|


Wednesday, May 04, 2005


im soo confuse...

im sick of her lies..
im sick of her excuses..
she broke my heart too many times..
loves her smile..
loves the way she laugh..
likes the way she cheers me up..
likes the way she make me smile..
she's so damn cute..
we have so many things in common..
i wish i was him..
i wish the words he say was mine..
i wish i was the 1 bringing her to places instead of him..
i wish...he doesnt exist..
im soo damn confuse...
mayb we are not meant to be...
or mayb its just me..
ill let fate and time decide..

| name fought for sanity @ 2:15 PM|


Tuesday, May 03, 2005


i had enough of this shit.i quit!

sick cyle carousel

if shame had a face i think it would kind of look like mine
if it had a home would it be my eyes
would you believe me if i said i'm tired of this
well here we go now 1 more time
i tried to climb your steps
i tried to chase you down
i tried to see how low i could get down to the ground
i tried to earn my way
i tried to change this mind
you better believe that i have tried to beat this
so when will this end it goes on and on
over and over and over again
keeps spinning around I know that it won't stop
till I step down from this for good
well I never thought I'd end up here never
thought I'd be standing where I am
I guess I kind of thought that it would be easier than this
I guess I was wrong now one more time

| name fought for sanity @ 12:01 PM|


Monday, May 02, 2005

-Saturday nite fever-

ok..Yesterday..for the first time since we work 4 Shaw I worked with Alfian. ok FF is how ill describe the nite...Freaking Fun throughout the nite..me and yan chatted all the way..disturbing each other...joking with customers..and singing all nite long..haha..this is wad u get from working with him...

Then the nite beacame Fucking Furious for me...not all..but some customers really gets on my nerves..the like to order things 1 by 1...some like to change things last minute...some gives me coins..when i say coins i mean like 5cents...ok this is usual ar...when closing time..after i handed out my sales my float is short of $20!man..i have to fork out of my pocket..haiz..yesterday i feel like i work for free..now im really broke..thought of going out tmr...but i guess not...no money no fun to go out...haiz...how i wish all customers are honest..the world would be a nicer place...the my leg gave me more problems..i almost sliped and i hurt my injured leg...throughout the nite the pain kept bugging me...

anyway..had Basic Hygine course earlier in the day..was so boring..slept at the class for awhile..but most of the time chatted with alfian and played games from his handphone..during tea break we played foosball..i partnerd with yan and we play againts the lido lovebird..mann and yartie..we lost!!hehe..

anyway..went jb today..went there for a treeatment for my leg..i went there for a traditional massage on my leg..this is after few of my frens and my mom and my bro forced me to go..it was painful i tell you..very painful..but i fell much better now...i guess it will heal by this wed..and hopefully i can play the frenly againts ITE-simei this fri..its been awhile since i touched my stick..


| name fought for sanity @ 12:16 AM|
