Wednesday, June 29, 2005 confused..tts my day..-
ok..heres how my day goes..
at ard 10..Mr Shahizan msg me saying that Pasirian Floorball had pulled out from the league..he said that he had no commitment for the man..yalah i noe u got commintment to that RP rite???bloody hell
so the five pasirian-rejects decided to join SP Mustangs..we can still try other clubs like sallibandy or unihockey but we decided to go Mustangs cos this is the team i noe witch have a lot of determination and spirit..
Yeah..i was also hoping that Mustangs will be in the same group as just simply hate them..and i just dunnoe y..i just find them a bit "action"..
in the afternoon the floorball guys decided to continue watching BATMAN BEGINS...this time it was at clementi and this time there's no wan but instead Shaiful came along....otw there we met up with Jie Hong..he showed us the grouping of the upcoming my dissapointment,Mustangs are not in the same group as RP..its ok aim is to go to the next round..hopefully we'll meet them at the semis..
anyway we pulled Jie Hong 1st he was reluctant..mummy's boy..hahah
at the cinema we sat at the back row..we treated it like our own house..we rested our legs on the chair in front of us..haha..i was sitting beside Jie Hong..from his body expression i knoe he was thinking.."man..if i noe i should not had follewed this monkeys..wah piang im so pai seh...if anybody ask i tell him i dunnoe them.."hahaha..rite my man??hahaha
the show was great..really enjoyed it..that short outing cheered me up..of cos lah..there's adzmin and his partner Riezzal..haha
mum cooked kacang pool tday..i simply love her kacang pool..its the best man..hahah..
this sat i do not know where to go..should i go for the friendly??or should i go to that chellenge at Ngee Ann City and achieve 1 of my dream..the grand prize is a trip to Torino,Italy..yes Torino..the city of my
u've done it heart is torn to pieces,because of really starting to miss her..
"... cause I am hanging on every word you say and
even if you don't want to speak tonight
that's alright, alright with me
cause I want nothing more than
to sit outside Heaven's door
and listen to you breathing
is where I wanna be yeah..."
yeah..remeber this song?pls do keep in touch ya?we have a lot of cactching up 2 do..hehe
| name fought for sanity @ 1:38 PM|
Tuesday, June 28, 2005 confused..tts my day..-
| name fought for sanity @ 9:40 PM|
this is my 1st goal for sp...i was from outside the court..i came in..intersected the ball...dribble pass the striker.."ole-d"pass another player..and shoot from outside the panalty box...

| name fought for sanity @ 9:10 AM|
Monday, June 27, 2005
im at sch right GEMS class finished i have ard 45mins to kill before my next class..thought of going MSN but somehow i cant go in..since my HP is having problems,i cant sms people..wanted to use the web SMS but the page wont come really dead bored..i should be doing revision for my lab tset later but im lazy lah..hahah
im so bored right now!!:'(
| name fought for sanity @ 11:41 PM|
-never seen before photos of the fo camp & the sp booth!!-
| name fought for sanity @ 11:11 PM|
taki!!ni untuk freshie ajer ar!!

| name fought for sanity @ 5:33 PM|
play 2 noe get the flow..asl ade baju biru tersesat kat si2??hmm..

| name fought for sanity @ 5:33 PM|
chey..abg shamil showing off skills kat freshie seh...

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1 2 3 cheese..oops tak sempat pose eh?

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lai lai lai sign up!!

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| name fought for sanity @ 5:31 PM|
jangan kau pandang senyuman falik..kerna ia....

| name fought for sanity @ 5:31 PM|
say hello to my agent..Mr Bob

| name fought for sanity @ 5:30 PM|
eh mal???tdo???

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| name fought for sanity @ 5:30 PM|
semangat practice..

| name fought for sanity @ 5:29 PM|
wah..fierce seh..

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farhan..cari ape 2??

| name fought for sanity @ 5:29 PM|
shai:"fuh bau!!sape lom mandi ni..."

| name fought for sanity @ 5:28 PM|
welcome to Stadium Del SP

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idzhar leading the pack..idzhar..bulu ketiak dah shave lom 2.??

| name fought for sanity @ 5:27 PM|
pooot~!WHO FARTED??

| name fought for sanity @ 5:26 PM|
minum air pun kene beratur ka?

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rizal's team...1 1 muke fierce seh..lagi2 yg wak kat tengah2 2..

| name fought for sanity @ 5:25 PM|
this is my team...telebabi-s

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minum milo anda jadi sihat dan kuat!

| name fought for sanity @ 5:24 PM|
adzmin reading the morning paper!

| name fought for sanity @ 5:24 PM|
im back from be honest its a boring trip..the journey there was sleepy..i met my bro at ard 9 at Boon Lay we were about to set off we saw fireworks,probably the rehersal for National Day..quite nice ar..
i bought some kebabs and choc. from jurong piont to prepare myself for the long journey...anyway i expect an empty highway since it was late at night...but i was wrong..there were quite a number of cars and coaches...they were all speeding!hah.i remembered a coach overtook my bro..and my bro was already traveling at 120km/hr!
we reached there at about was quite fast since my bro sped all the way..haha..160km/ rite?
the next day,we went to the Buttefly and Reptile Park after breakfast..this is our 4th time going of the butterfly rested on my eyebrow!hahah..then there were all kinds of reptile..crocs..snakes...i think its more of a zoo than a park..cos there were tapir and otters..
anyway headed to Jasco, a shopping center, after that...the girls shopped while me and bro slpet in the car...we had our luch there..steamboat..
we headed home after that..another long journey home...i was tired and i was forcing myself not to sleep...reached JB at ard 7..we ate..AGAIN..this time was dinner..i was still full from the last meal but somehow i still manange to stuff in some food..hmm..haha.
yeah so thats my short holiday..ahha..
haiz..theres lab test tmr..argh!for the past 2 practical i cant even run the need a miracle to pass this test!
| name fought for sanity @ 5:21 PM|
me and my parents..

| name fought for sanity @ 5:16 PM|
meet my new best fren

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