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Sunday, July 31, 2005


quick glance yesterday's games:

SP 4-3 TP
SP Mustangs 10-0 Yuhua Slay-k


the 1st period started out really badly...we conceded 3 goals..we woke up in the 2nd period..we scored 2 goals..and the 3rd period we scored another 2..

our 3rd and the equalising goal is scored by...ME!!(and assisted by Farok..Farok aku tolong kau,kau tolong aku balik eh..bagus2)hehehe..i was really happy..not only we completed our fierce comeback but i scored in front of Mr Ngasti!!and during my celebration some1 pulled me down(i think its shamil,cos u are behind me)and i fell down..the rest of the guys started pilling up..and from a distance i saw Riduwan..he actually threw himself into the big pile!!(kurang ajar wan..aku dah sakit2 kat bawah kau sedap je kau loncat!kau ingat kau wrestler ke ape..)hehe

our 4th goal was controvatial..mamat actually scored but the referee said no..while we were in the state of confusion..TP scored another goal..SP players were really fed up and confronted the referee..this is not the 1st time she gave wrong decicion.she gave Riezzal 2 minutes for line play,when he actually fell..anyway to clear this confusion she go and ask the keeper wheather the ball had went in..(of cos the keeper would say no..duh~!!) and after that she asked the TP fans behind the goal..(hey..wad a big dumbo..when i say big i really mean big!!)..anyway the game ended in the middle of the arguement..the final score??our coach agreed that its 4-3..fuh wad a comeback..


there was a big surprise before the game..my family came and supported me!its the 1st time in my entire life that they came down and supported me..

Slay-k..pronounced as Slaykeh..if translated in english means "messy".i dont know wads the reason of them playing Floorball..2 us floorball is to score goals..to them its collecting panalty points...

its seems like Riezzal and Me were their targets..
*their stick actually hit Riezal's troat!!thats really dangerous..
*a Slay-K actually whack his stick on my shin..the bloody(yet beautiful..)ref did not see it.
*Most of our players were trown out of the court..
*(this is the worst among all) Riezzal was pushed and he fell by the boards.A slay-k took out his stick and hit the board..it almost hit riezzal's head..i guess Riezzal was lucky..then another Slay-K went out ran straight to him and kicked him!!a fight broke out..
*A Slay-K actually threw his stick into our bench..luckily it did not hit our players..
*i was talking to the ref(yes the beautiful 1) then this fat Slay-K went up 2 me and say"Eh brother!Korang yang start main ganas dulu den orang nak complain2...nasib baik kite2 tak tendang pecah kan muke korang tau.."translation"eh brother..u all start playing rough 1st and u want to complain...consider urself lucky we never kick and break ur face!"
1stly..since when u are my brother..(dalah gemuk..tak hansem pulak 2..)
2ndly..we started playing rough?ok even if we do..its floorball..there should be body contact..(kalau tanak kene tolak2 pegi main skipping ke masak2 lah..bodo!!)
3rdly..wads with the breaking of face???(kalau nak pecah2 kan muke gi join teakwando ke silat lah..)
this is only half of wad happened..there are a lot more things that happened..

anyway lets talk about the match..we were complacent in the 1st period..scoring only 2 goals in the 1st period..yeah we were having a goal fest..every1 trying to get their name on the scoresheet..yeah even me..i have yet to score for Mustangs..and the fact that in a forward its bad..even the young Mustangs like Hafiz,Syukor and Hadi had make thier mark..i was really selfish during the game..shooting from impossible angles..dribbling on my own..yeah i noe its bad..anyway i made a couple of shots..2 hit the posts..few fly straight to the keeper and few fly over the bar.. well mayb my goal will come soon..mayb next game..wad a time to score..againts ITE Genesis..and in front of the uder-19 coach Dennis..

the Slay-k were really getting on my nerves..i was trying my best to keep my cool..Mustangs really need to score a lot of goals..if we need to score goals we need to score with 5 players..i guess at one point of time during the game i lost my cool and pushed the Slay-k..i received a 2 minutes..haiz..

to mustangs..im really sorry for wad happened yesterday..i came really2 late..i was selfish during the game..i lost my cool and i did not contribute anything for the team..no asssist no goals..i promise to give a 110% for the next match..


woke up late...body was aching..my thigh my arms..and my collarbone hurts too..my elbow is swollen..hmm

got study today..tmr is the 1st paper of my MST week..tmr paper is CA..its super2 hard..haiz..if only i had attended the tutorials and lectures..


*i miss u like crazy..

| name fought for sanity @ 7:40 PM|


Wednesday, July 27, 2005


im begining to hate work...especially with the new staff around..its the 1st time i work with this new kid called Park..yes..Park,as in Park Ji-Sung of man utd.hahah..yeah its the1st time i work with her and i dont like her!she so rude man..shall say no more..and wad i heard from other staff she is a blur queen..if she do counter,the will surely be shortages..and during her 1st week at werk she broke the nachos warmer cover!!!

argh..wad the hell ar..the next time she works with me and im the In charge i'll will surely make her life a living hell!

working at MovieBites gives me the opportunity to meet all kinds of people..there are many kinds of costermers..its funny when these costermers pronounce the things wrongly..simple things like Popcorn they pronouce it as "coppom"..nachos becomes nakos...when asked sweet or salted popcorn this costermer say "Swiss"haha...Pepsi become "pe-shi." mountain dew-Mounteeen dew..sizes?medium-mejium..and the list goes onu can go mad trying to figure out wad these costermers are trying to say..


hmm 3/7 days of my holidays has passed..i have not studies for my test on monday..tmr im working and sat im having a FB day..that leaves me with fri and sunday..will that be enuff???we'll c..

Saturday..in the morning the SP IVP FB team will be having a frenly with TP at ard 9am..mayb its time for us to seek revenge..we were beaten the last time we met them..so its a great time to beat them on sat..and its a chance to show thier coach,Mr Ngasti,wad i am made of..he is also the coach of Pasirians.

then at ard 4pm,Mustangs will be having a short training before heading to haugang sports complex to have our match againts the Yuhua Slay-k..so NP termites trashed them 14-0 huh?we'll just see how we do this Sat.


hmm watcted red candy today..its been awhile since i watch movie at Cathay..simply love their seats and sound system..hmm the show was confusing for me..but its quite scary lah...hmm theres so so many more movies i wanna catch..Fantastic 4..the island..wedding crasher...the truth about love and the list keeps on growing!!


every moment i spent with u,
is the moment i treasure...

| name fought for sanity @ 11:17 PM|


Monday, July 25, 2005

-it the holidays!!-

today is the 1st day of my 1 week break..

yesterday was the match between SP Mustangs and NP Squierrels..we won..the final score was 4-1(1-0,1-0,2-1)(the same as the previous match)...although Mustangs win im still not happy..we were very lucky not to let in more goals because of our weak defence..and im dissapointed at the attitudes of some of the Mustangs..yeah..we are bunch of crazy dudes..but u guys must know when is time to joke around and when its time to be serious and focus in the game..

Dzak Shukor and Riezzal scored..Riezzal scored twice..shukor goal came from a Box-play..for those who do not know FB,box-play means we are down with 4 players while the opponent is having 5 player..

i simply love the celebration of riezzal's second goal..we went in-front of the camera and celebrated..den the boards fell down..riezzal shouted"jap2..betul kan board.."every one stoped and pick up the board..when the board is in place..i shouted "ok continue celebrate!!"den the whole team continued celebrating..haha..it was funny man..and of corse we did our trademark celebration after the game..

next game is againts theYuhua Slay-K..the team that is made up of a bunch of "mats"..and the team that does not know how to hold a floorball stick..my aim?8-0...hehe

hmm im suppose to study this week..but i have no mood lah..but i have a lot a lot a loooooooooot of catching up 2 do!!see lah this happens when u skip classes and sleep during lectures..hiaz..the 1st paper is very tough..i only attended 4 tutorials skiped alot of the lectures and even if i came i would be at least 45mins late..ish.tsk3..im a baaaad boy.

U surprised me once again
thank u..
i like.....

| name fought for sanity @ 10:46 AM|


Thursday, July 21, 2005


yesterday sucks big time..thats the end of the road 2 Latvia for me..i dunno wads wrong with me..cant even do simple passes and simple things like controling the ball..argh!..my nose and knee were giving me problems..nose filled with u-know-wad..i called it Slurpee..haha..and my knee really2 hurts...haiz..just wait till friday for the results..

anyway yestreday they took individual photo and we actually played on "Gerflor"...the flooring is almost similar to SP's flooring bt SP's is abit softer..

my right knee.. i dunno wads wrong with it...i dont remember falling down or hitting on anything..it suddenly starts to hurt 2 nights ago when i was about to climb up to bed..it gets worst as day goes by..its hurts when i bend it and when i climb down stairs. as for now i am in doubt for this Sunday's match againts the Squirrels..just praying that it will go away soon..i wanna score!!haha..mcm mane Wan leh score pun aku tak tau..tanta scrambled goal tak...

i watched the recorded match between Sp Mustangs n NYP Termites earlier today...Zal..i think u are loosing ur "acting" skills..its obvious that u dived man..haha..wait till u watch it..

| name fought for sanity @ 12:10 PM|


Tuesday, July 19, 2005


another week has fly by..

as u guys already knew SP Mustang beat..or shall i say trashed former div1 Termites..4-1...like i said..Mustangs have high team spirit and the never-say-die attitude..tts y i like them..we were 1 nil down and we fough back to victory..

i just love we celebrated our goals and after the match!simply memorable..

yeah..i received 4 minutes penalty..and Riezzal!!im not proud of it ok..guys im sorry k..the 1st 1 was purely unintentional and the 2nd,the line play..i dunno wad happen ar..promise wont do it again..hehe

i got through the next round of the national under-19..yeay!!haha..tmr is the trials again..at ite simei..its getting further and further man..u guys wish me luck ya...

i was reading through SFA website and came across this thing about coaching corse..i have plans to become a fb coach..mayb bring fb into beatty sec..yeah..its on the 29th july..but!!it cost $300 bucks!!man..where can i get that money??haiz..

went out with Tombam today after sch..pick her up from sch..1st time going to RP..every1 was carrying a laptop..haha..den we went walk2 at town..just wanted to spent time with her..its been awhile since i saw her..yeah bz with floorball and werk..chatted all the way..

tmr there's maths test and wed there's another lab test...then 3 short days and then H~O~L~I~D~A~Y!!!haha,,,well its study week but me??study??hahaha

ok den guys take care..

| name fought for sanity @ 2:06 PM|



another week has fly by..

as u guys already knew SP Mustang beat..or shall i say trashed former div1 Termites..4-1...like i said..Mustangs have high team spirit and the never-say-die attitude..tts y i like them..we were 1 nil down and we fough back to victory..

i just love we celebrated our goals and after the match!simply memorable..

yeah..i received 4 minutes penalty..and Riezzal!!im not proud of it ok..guys im sorry k..the 1st 1 was purely unintentional and the 2nd,the line play..i dunno wad happen ar..promise wont do it again..hehe

i got through the next round of the national under-19..yeay!!haha..tmr is the trials again..at ite simei..its getting further and further man..u guys wish me luck ya...

i was reading through SFA website and came across this thing about coaching corse..i have plans to become a fb coach..mayb bring fb into beatty sec..yeah..its on the 29th july..but!!it cost $300 bucks!!man..where can i get that money??haiz..

went out with Tombam today after sch..pick her up from sch..1st time going to RP..every1 was carrying a laptop..haha..den we went walk2 at town..just wanted to spent time with her..its been awhile since i saw her..yeah bz with floorball and werk..chatted all the way..

tmr there's maths test and wed there's another lab test...then 3 short days and then H~O~L~I~D~A~Y!!!haha,,,well its study week but me??study??hahaha

ok den guys take care..

| name fought for sanity @ 2:06 PM|


Saturday, July 16, 2005


yesterday was the big match..RP Salsaz and SP Mustangs...

the final score is SP Mustangs 8-7 RP salsaz...we won..i didn't score but assisted on both Shazwan's goal..the first goal i screened the keeper and let the ball through..the 2nd 1 i pass the ball to wan before he tapped in the ball into the goal..

im really proud of the freshies..esp hafiz..he scored a hat-trick\!!!mamat and shazwan also scored..zaim was the only senior that scored yesterday..well for me..i almost scored..2 shots over the bar and a shot saved by the keeper..haiz...it would be great if i had scored in front of Mr Shahizan...haha..

hey mal,shaz and dzaf..thanks for coming down..on behalf of the mustangs team,we would like to thank u guys for supporting us yesterday...sori tak sempat thank semalam..

ok im a bit exhausted...3 strait days of fb..tmr another match,...againts termites..im expecting a tougher match than yesterday...these guys are more experienced...

its the weekend and im not looking 4ward for it...tmr its the start of the SFA Div 2 league..and sunday im working..i need a break man,...i wanna go out..watch movies n stuffs...haiz..mayb next week??

its friday and the results of the national under-19 trial its not out yet!!!!ish..
it was nice seeing u yesterday..
wad a surprise..
but somehow i still miss u..

| name fought for sanity @ 2:25 AM|


Wednesday, July 13, 2005

-fuh wad a day,,,-

yesterday went for the national under-19 trials...we came abit late courtesy of my fren-nephew Zaki...yeah..abis skola awal n tinggal dekat pun leh datang lambat..hish..nasib baik Dennis tak marah..when we reach,the other players had already changed to their floorball gears..

im happy to see few of my ex-pasirian make through the next round...hadi..shamel..jarir..wan(bukan kau Awin)..imran..and of course..my cousin Addi..

we did simple doubles-with defenders..2 on 2 and much more..the problem was there were too many people and we have little chance to show them our potentials..

anyway we were then divided in groups of 5..and 2 of my team-mates are from RP!!yeah..the team i hate most...i tried my best not to make frens with them..(bleh gitu??)..but they are too frenly..kept talking to me..hah..

yesterday i finally knew who Timothy and Brown are...they say they are the star players..but to me they are nothing but a bunch of show-offs..they like to dribble...hah....yesterday wan(bukan kau Awin),really did perform..winning every ball running around asking for the ball...i can asure and confirm with u that he will be in the national team..

as for me...hmm i guess there's a lot more for me to learn..but im just praying i will be going through the next round and hopefully to Latvia..hehe..the result will be up latest friday..(that wad dennis said)..till then c u guys..

| name fought for sanity @ 11:40 PM|


Tuesday, July 12, 2005


hi guys...remember the time i went for the under-19 trials...yeah..the 1 where 1 fell a lot of time..rite wan?yesterday i received a call from Jie Hong telling me that i had gone through to the next round!...i was so happy man..i did not exect to go through the next round...seriusly i did not perform last week..anyway..im also happy for Za'im and Zaki..they 2 made it to the next round..wan..asl kau tak dapat..2 lar aku kate jgn minum kau minum..2 lah g clubbing sume..tengok ape dah jadi...bile kau nak insaf wan???mustangs dah lah release kau kau masi tanak insaf...ish2..

mustangs will have a frenly with RP!!!FINALLY!!i have been waiting for this moment!!Mr Shahizan..u and ur team are goin DOWN!!yeap..the match is on this thursday..at pasir ris primary..my former training ground..hah..

this week im going to call it my floorball week..tmr i will have the national under-19 trials..wednesday i have the school training...thursday i have the frenly with RP..Saturday i have the 1st league match with termites..and Sunday we have training..again...man wad a week...looking forward to the both matches..and tmr im going to do my best..

hey guys..check out this site...www.sp-mustang.blogspot.com
it has all news about the mustangs team..

| name fought for sanity @ 1:51 AM|


Monday, July 11, 2005


hi guys...remember the time i went for the under-19 trials...yeah..the 1 where 1 fell a lot of time..rite wan?yesterday i received a call from Jie Hong telling me that i had gone through to the next round!...i was so happy man..i did not exect to go through the next round...seriusly i did not perform last week..anyway..im also happy for Za'im and Zaki..they 2 made it to the next round..wan..asl kau tak dapat..2 lar aku kate jgn minum kau minum..2 lah g clubbing sume..tengok ape dah jadi...bile kau nak insaf wan???mustangs dah lah release kau kau masi tanak insaf...ish2..

mustangs will have a frenly with RP!!!FINALLY!!i have been waiting for this moment!!Mr Shahizan..u and ur team are goin DOWN!!yeap..the match is on this thursday..at pasir ris primary..my former training ground..hah..

this week im going to call it my floorball week..tmr i will have the national under-19 trials..wednesday i have the school training...thursday i have the frenly with RP..Saturday i have the 1st league match with termites..and Sunday we have training..again...man wad a week...looking forward to the both matches..and tmr im going to do my best..

hey guys..check out this site...www.sp-mustang.blogspot.com
it has all news about the mustangs team..

| name fought for sanity @ 10:41 AM|


Sunday, July 10, 2005


Mustangs are ready to take on Cornvix tmr..The new owner and manager of the club,Jie Hong says he is confident in winning the game...Since his $40 million take over, he had brought in 7 players..five from Pasirians,Azfar,Riezzal,Adzmin,Farhan and Afsal.. and 2 from Sallibandy,Dzak and Shaiful..he spent almost $60 million on these players..

the former oil-tycoon said"im really happy with my signings..im happy to get azfar and the 2 Defenders,Adzmin and Riezzal..i just cant wait to pair up Azfar and Dzak in the attack..wad can i say about Adzmin and Riezzal,there simply great at defending.."

Adzmin Riezzal and Azfar were also targeted by other clubs since their former club were forced to close down because of the large amount of debt the owe to a loanshark..it has been reported that big clubs like moosemen and pirannas also had chased them..but their high wage demands was thier disadvantage..

when intervied with azfar,the only 1 of the 7 players that can be contacted,.."im really glad to sign with a club like Mustangs..they have great team spirit and players..cant wait to play with Shamil n Zaim..those are my poly classmates..yeah..ill try my best to win a silverware for Mustangs.." he also added.."as u all noe im a bad boy at Pasiraian..i would like to take this opportunity to tell the club and my fans that im shaking off that bad boy image..no more fighting in game and no more coming late for trainings..i guess its good for me and the club.."

mRAz,the agent for both Riezzal and Adzmin spoke on their behalf.."they are happy to join the club..the just simply love the environment and they are addapting well..."

With a few of their star players gone to other club,Jie hong just knew he had to pump in a little more money for new players..."with akil and hafiz gone to moosemen..zaki to Sallibandy..handy ritired and the release of riduwan..i knew i had to bring in new players..."

riduwan was released by the club earlier this week..he still have 3 more years in his contract..he was released because of his nightlife and bad attitude.. everynight he would go clubbing..and would always go to different hotels with different girls..always come to training late and drunk.."riduwan is a good player..but his attitude will tarnish Mustangs reputation..i had given him chance to repent but to no avail..im doing wads best for the team.."commented jie hong..riduwan had sign for sallibandy...

jie hong has also promoted few of their youth players from the youth accademy.."the are youngster whom i think can be great players in the future..the can learn a lot from the senior players.."

with a great blend of experience and youth,the new mustangs looks stronger then ever..watch out this space for more news from the club..Adios

| name fought for sanity @ 12:41 AM|


Friday, July 08, 2005


some pics from the day we went for the trials..

| name fought for sanity @ 11:20 AM|


Thursday, July 07, 2005


mm..sedap nye bau ketiak aku!! Posted by Picasa

| name fought for sanity @ 11:14 AM|



mm..sedap nye...hehe Posted by Picasa

| name fought for sanity @ 11:14 AM|



ni polis mane tah ambik gambar ic org... Posted by Picasa

| name fought for sanity @ 11:14 AM|


Wednesday, July 06, 2005


i just bought a new shoe...the nike tempo...red and white..wee!!nice...haha

yesterday was the national under-19 trials...erm like wan said weve been called up..me zaki wan and shai went to ite macperson...yeah..we have to wait for zaki for almost 30mins..die fikir die star mane tah..haha..

at ite macperson met my cousin..addi-tornado and the rest of div 1 pasiraian players..well most of them..its been a long time since i met them...yeah and i gt to watch the b-div match between yuhua sec and northbrooks sec..i was shock to see more pasirian players..the bad boys david and annur were there,,the best part was they were in the same line..and there were fights!..man..haha..the match ended 2-2..u yuhua equalise in the dying seconds..

ok lah lets talk abt the trials..1st thing 1st...the floor was damn slippery!!!2nd thing..my shoehas worn out..tapak dah haus..so when this 2 combine=disaster...i fell a few times..erm ard 2??tak banyak sangat kan 2???ish...

we did simple things like shooting..simple double and 1 on 1s..and somehow i can show my shooting power.!!man..mayb i was 2 nervous..before that we had sprints and shuttle run...anyway they say the results will be posted at the sfa website by tonight..hmm..takde pun..

Jie Hong just told us that sun match is cancelled..instead we will be having a frenly with the "cornvix"..erm gd lah we have a frenly game..BT CORNVIX IS IN THE SAME GROUP AS US!!its just not right..we should have a frenly with team from the other group..like RP..or RP or the that team called RP!ehhehe...

with my new shoe...i wont fall down again...dengar tak wan???!!!ehhehe..nak blang 1 dunia seh....hehehe


"... i don't want to speak these words.
because i don't want to make things any worse..."
matchbox romance
-tiger lily

| name fought for sanity @ 10:09 PM|



fiw weet Posted by Picasa

| name fought for sanity @ 10:08 PM|


Monday, July 04, 2005


finally got to wactch initial D..it's really2 great...its funny 2..man u guys should watch it..argh...this movie insipires me to finish my driving lesson faster!...but the ending sucks..mayb and i hope tt part 2 is on the way..then the ending for this show will not be so sucky..haha..

before that went to penin. with the fb guys..faliq, shai, adzmin, Jie hong, Andy,Akil,idzhar,Shamil and zaim..we were suveying for the mustang jersey..yeah finally we decided to get a red umbro jersey..quite nice..better than the line 7 and the kelme...

ok i got back my AP paper..the test that i could not run the program..yeah i expect to fail this paper..i dont even have the mood to come to the lesson bt somehow i manage to drag myself there...when i saw my paper i thought i saw 25...then Jimmy some to me and say..wah..75 sia..so pro..on closer look i really did get 75..i was so shocked..haha..now the mood of studying is back..hehe

u made my day today..thanks..

| name fought for sanity @ 9:36 PM|


Sunday, July 03, 2005


halu2...im back...

went to Dreamcars,at singapore expo hall 1 and 2,with Tombam..man..its a must go for car lovers... theres evo...impreza..ferrari...and many more!!some cars have lcd screens..some ar heavily modified..argh..let the pics do the talking ar..haha

after that went to lau pa sat and eat since both of us were hungry..i ate satay and fried rice..its been a while since i ate satay...nice..haha..i enjoyed myself and really2 hope she enjoyed it too..yalah..girls ad cars...they dont match..haha

its the 1st day of the samsung olympic torch challenge..i woke up late..at ard 9....i started to panic..i thought the registration was at 9..so i quickly woke my bro up and he sent me there...otw there we were stuck in a traffic jam..so in the car i thought to myself..there goes another of my dream..reach Ngee Ann Civic Plaza at ard 10.35...luckily the registration was untill 12..phew..me and my bro went to eat at Shaw House mcdonalds..ate pancakes..before reporting back..yeah..did some warm up with the fitness first instuctors..den a welcoming speech from this guy and poom before i knew the event has strt... the ache start to come at ard 15mins..bt i keep telling to myself..italy!!italY!!italY!!!hahaha..before i knew it it was the break already...yeay!!so my bro did some massage to me..drank lots and lots of water..then the challenge continues..more and more ppl gave up...bt me..ITALY!!ITALY!!hahaha..shamil and nadirah came down to support me..thanks guys...i think the FB dudes came down too..but they were few minutes too late..the event is over for the the day..but thanks anyway..yeah nice job for the trashing of SIM!8-3 rite??bob u scored 2??shai!1st goal for sp!!gd2..

tmr is my 2nd day..gonna strive to the end..no matter wad..that 6000 cash..that 42" plasma tv..that handphone and that spot to reprsent spore in italy will be mine!!hahaha..guys come down and support ar..i really2 need it...thanks!!hehehe

| name fought for sanity @ 6:46 PM|


Saturday, July 02, 2005


smelly armpit!eheh Posted by Picasa

| name fought for sanity @ 11:01 PM|



ah...nice.. Posted by Picasa

| name fought for sanity @ 11:01 PM|



who is tt behind them?>heheh Posted by Picasa

| name fought for sanity @ 11:01 PM|



tts me!!ahah Posted by Picasa

| name fought for sanity @ 11:00 PM|



the few whom i think can make it through,,esp the 1 in specs.. Posted by Picasa

| name fought for sanity @ 11:00 PM|



my personal massager..hahah Posted by Picasa

| name fought for sanity @ 10:59 PM|



spidey speakers Posted by Picasa

| name fought for sanity @ 10:55 PM|



mitsubitshi evo!!!argh!!! Posted by Picasa

| name fought for sanity @ 10:54 PM|



anything wrong with this pic?? Posted by Picasa

| name fought for sanity @ 10:54 PM|



hahah..wads tt?? Posted by Picasa

| name fought for sanity @ 10:53 PM|



wad can i say.. Posted by Picasa

| name fought for sanity @ 10:53 PM|



wohoo!! Posted by Picasa

| name fought for sanity @ 10:53 PM|



look at those speakers Posted by Picasa

| name fought for sanity @ 10:53 PM|



looks like starsky and hutch's rite? Posted by Picasa

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anotherr 1.. Posted by Picasa

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more vintage cars.. Posted by Picasa

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vintage cars Posted by Picasa

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vintage 1 Posted by Picasa

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pimp my ride. Posted by Picasa

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fiw weet.. Posted by Picasa

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mercedes.. Posted by Picasa

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