Thursday, November 17, 2005

today is the opening of Harry potter. yes.. i have not watched it..haha..
man... work was so tiring although i have to work 4 hours only. very long queue. wad made it worse there were no ice. the tuck lee ice-man had to come 2 times to deliver ice..
hmm theres so so many shows that i wanna catch but so little time...
here's some that i really want to watch.
- Harry Potter
- Exorcism of Emily Rose
- Chicken Little
- Just Like Heaven
- Football Hooligans
- Saw 2!!
- and many more....
hmm...just wish i have the time...
| name fought for sanity @ 11:32 PM|
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
picture courtesy of soccernet
i rushed home today from school to catch this very exciting World Cup Qualifier match..i just got the feeling that this match is gonna be a blockbuster since uruguay beat the socceroos 4 years ago and dashed their hope of going to Japan.
Don't get me wrong..i support Italy but i just want the ausies to go to the World Cup. Harry Kewel was on top form. he was the most hard working player on the pitch. minutes after he was introduced, he set up the goal.
those who didn't watch the game u really missed a lot. there was a lot of action. i was shouting like hell during the match..ahahha..all the best to the socceroos in the coming world cup..
| name fought for sanity @ 8:17 PM|
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
-who is this mysterious guy-

after drinking a big bottle of water and 2 cans of 100plus this guy is still exhausted...
who is he??
(tip: not me)
| name fought for sanity @ 10:40 PM|
-Selamat Hari Raya-

on the 9th i went out with the ex-cathay staffs. we started quite late. went to only 5 houses-Fairuz,Ash(M#k),nana(i dont really know her),mine and Saha's. it was fun going out with them espcially when ash and fairuz keep disturbing each other..calling each other "mat" and by their nickname. do you know wads ash's nickname??ATAP!!hahahah..
Lido Movie bite staffs+2 Starbucks and 1 LJS staff
i joined the gang after school since i dont want to miss any lesson. reach alfie's house at around 7.. from there we went to ayu's place before going to Ridzman' was already 10 when we reach his place but we continued. went to liyana's place b4 my place. when the reach my place it was already 1215!my parent were in their dreamland. we watch the stupid VCD-ENTITY.they left my place at around 1.haha..
sori Azmi and Duri-tak dapat g rumah korg this year k???

started early at 945 in the morning. going to Hazqil's place where we ate Curry with bread. then to my place where we ate epok-epok. Esdy's house were next and we ate roti john.. at rezza's place we ate mee soto. i was already full by then. next stop-Annur's. we ate nasi briyani.. at alfian's place i ate his kueh2. after that we went to sahairi's place were we ate again. this time we ate soto ayam. so as u can see i stuffed down alot of food tt day. man i must work double hard on my next training. must burn off this was nice going out with my old would have been more fun if afzal esdy and whyu had come along..anyways gd luck for the comin A level papers!
| name fought for sanity @ 10:12 PM|
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
hi guys im back after so long..
my laptop has finally been fixed thanks to my sis's fren.
wow!alfian got a new bike!! Nice bike man..Guess who is his 1st pillion??ME!hehe..we went all around singapore on his 1st day!!wad a honking at us cos we traveled 60km/hr on the right lane!!hahah..anyway i really enjoyed the ride...yan??biler lagi nak kluar??nak ikut!!hehe
ok i failed my maths this year im going to a few different classes..hmm going to miss my wacky classmates..but on the other hand i got to meet new people and make new on monday my new class were full of old guys. guys who had finished ITE and NS..i thought these guys would be quiet and the pay-attention type but instead they are actually worse than secondary school kids..heh
this year i have to really wake up and start pulling my socks. i have to get at least a C for every module so that i can graduate the same time as my frens.hmm..
tmr is Hari Raya!!!wow thats fast man..haha..a bit excited!!wad i like about Hari Raya is the look everywhere people wearing their traditional clothes and of corse..girls in kebaya...heheh
so guys senang2 datang rumah ar..jgn malu2..ketok pintu je...
To all my frens:
Halal kan makan minum kalau azfar termakan makanan/minuman korang
kalau hutang duit 2 pun halalkan jugak eh..
kalau azfar terkasar bahasa ke..
mengumpat ke...
apape ke..
Azfar mintak maaf ok...
| name fought for sanity @ 11:15 AM|