Saturday, December 31, 2005
yesterday's game againts TP was simply ridiculous...
ridiculous 1- the final score was SP 7-2 TP. last year we lost to them during the IVP.and almost lost to them in the last frenly.
ridiculous 2- i scored 4 goals... i myself couldn't believe it
ridiculous 3- Riduwan scored from an acute angle!
ridiculous 4- i scored the 1st goal by doing the "wrap-around"
ridiculous 5- scored the 3rd goal by doing a volley
ridiculous 6- Adzmin scored..hehe
ridiculous 7- i played in line 1!
the secret recipe to score many goals in a game...
sleep late and wake up early..
okay... im really happy with the perfomance of the team yesterday.. the teamwork was brilliant. i guess yesterday i really want to perform infront of my Pasirian coaches - Ngasti and Shahizan(who watch durint the 1st period). mission accomplised. hah. pesonnaly i like my 4th goal. not because i scored the goal but the build to the goal was amazing.. the passing was superb. hopefully this game is a morale booster to the team. our next game is next friday againts NYP and our first game of the IVP(hey!it rhymes!!haha)FORZA SP.
the goals i dedicate to u. Miss u.
| name fought for sanity @ 10:23 AM|
Friday, December 30, 2005
its almost 2am and im still awake..
its bad..cos not only i have a frenly with TP later at 845, bt i still have plenty more to study!! argh!!stoopid MST!!
work was really tiring just now.. was suppose to work till 4 but instead i have to stay back a few more hours to help out with the packing of popcorns for tmr's(or shld i say later) block booking.. manage to pack 400 out of the 600 popcorns with the help of leonard..
hmm about tmr's frenly..a bit excited..playing in front of ngasti.. heard Farok is not playing..he recovering from the bad fall at ubin.. k lah dowan 2 tok abt FB.. asik2 floorball jer...hehe (kan Nad??)
yawns!! kays.. must continue studying!!! c'mon Azfar!!!
| name fought for sanity @ 12:47 AM|
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
-The Ubin Trip..-
On Monday i went to Pulau Ubin for the 1st time.
reached there at aroud 11am, got a bike and started cycling. the bike was quite cheap. $6 for the whole day! Khai..pandai eh kau tawar menawar..hahah
ubin is like an old singapore..even the cars and scooters super old school. all the carplate over there starts with PU and its green in colour.
the cycling was fun espcially when u are riding downhill. u got to see so many things there.. like lots of abandon houses, temples and even a cemetary. talking about cemetary, i almost run over 1. u see the cemetary was at a foot of a hill. i was at the back of the pack and the group start going down the hill. i sped down the hill. the group suddenly stop at the foot of the hill and they were on my to avoid collision i cycle off track. after i stopped riduwan asked me to look left. to my surprise there was tombstone! hah
the trip could be a perfect trip if not for an accident towards the end of the trip. again we were going downhill. and and Farok were leading the pack. the slope was quite steep. so we were riding down very fast. all out of a sudden a pick-up appeared. Farok pressed hard on his breaks and he skidded. i manage to avoid Farok and the pick-up. Farok's fall causes a chain reaction. Za'im hit another cyclist while rabiah and adzmin also fell down. but Farok received the most injury. he got bruises on his knees and elbow.
as for Riduwan..biasa lah..die mane tau nak kayoh basikal..belom apepe dah jatoh..turun hill tah camne tah leh masok bush..ish2..kate je NCC!!hehehe..control basikal takleh nak jadi C...hehehe
here are some of the pictures i took...

Za'im belum apape dah tido...

change the "8" to "S"..figure out..hehehe

the guys

the ladies

preparing to go

wan kental..pakai sluar NCC tapi tak tau contol bike.hehehe

Adzmin- Macho

Riezzal-step macho..hahaha

u cant really see but there's a cemetary behind

Fixing Hafiz's chain

Fixing Aqasha's brakes

1 of the few abandon houses

poor farok

the pick up that farok tried to avoid

Jalan mamam??hehe

this spider is as big as my palm!

Home Sweet Home
| name fought for sanity @ 11:16 AM|
Saturday, December 24, 2005
-flick- 3on3 fb competition-
congrats to the "ameture floorballers". they got 3rd in the competition. the team which consisit of Farok,Faliq, Adzmin and Riezzal really did SP proud..they even beat RP on the way.
as for my team....haiz....
we started out well trashing the Slay-K originals,5-1. i scored 2 goals but hey..its the slay-k..even a monkey can score againts them..they cant even hold their stick properly..when are they going to learn??
we eventually lost the next 2 games by penalties.
we could have won if.....
- i had stopped the ball from going in the goal againts "Anything". the ball was bouncing and it bounced slowly into the goal. that goal bring us to sudden-death penalty shootout.
-viknesh is not big. man..this guy is so big that when he defends he literally cover the goal. i had 3 shots all on target but he was there stopping the ball..gerams man...
-hafiz 3 shots at the post had gone our second game hafiz had 3 shot and all hit the post..eventually we finish the game 2-2 and lost during penalty shootout
-we had more confidence in taking penalties...
its ok guys..there's always next time...we had fun right??thats the important thing...
now im at home having fever...again..the weather there was really funny..jap hujan..jap panas...haiz..this headache is killing me..
| name fought for sanity @ 8:53 PM|
Friday, December 23, 2005
after 5 days of straight FB my body finally gave way..
last saturday-had 2.4km test and had to work from 3pm-4am..
sunday-had 2 frenly games in a day..
monday-sp training
tuesday-Pasirian training
wednesday-sp tarining
thursday-trekking wth the SPFB guys
friday-Pasirian Training(not going but instead im working from 3-1am)
saturday-"flick" FB 3-on-3 in the morning at Tampines
Sunday-work from 3-1am
monday-cycling at Ubin with the SPFB guys
Tuesday-Pasirian Training
Wednesday-SP training
Thursday-Pasirian Training
Friday-Frendly with TP
so as u can see..i dont have a day off..can ne tak sakit??haha
was suppose to have trekking yesterday. haiz.. demam pulak.. damn.. i hope u guys had fun.. zal kau mintak hujan kan, kan dah hujan..haha..
| name fought for sanity @ 11:33 AM|
Friday, December 16, 2005
-the life of a floorballer....-
hey im back..sori time to very busy recently..with school work floorball, floorball and floorball.
okay...where shall i start....
okay the good news playing for the Division 1 next year!!!yeap im playing for Pasirians. when i received the call from Shahizan i was really happy and cant sleep that night. my jersey no?? 17. since 11 has been taken up..(damn!)..but hey..17 is still cool..
(wan...kau main Div 2??alamak..kental ar..hehe...)my frist game for the league will be on the 7th jan againts
Motorola RED FLAMINGOES..guess who is the keeper for that team...
Bo! the SP coach!!hmm.. would'nt be nice scoring againts him
..(Bo ingat eh..kalau aku score blanje makan tau!)oh yes..i finally scored my 1st Pasirian goal...and to make it a memorable goal it was againts RP!!hehe..hmm but the celebration was a bit embarrasing..hehe..
this sunday i will have 2 frienlies. at 930am the pasirians will have a frenly with the INNEBANDY..and at 230 againts the MERAHANS..i abit excited for the INNEBANDY game. a chance to play againts Harfeez, the national player...
yesterday the SP team had a frenly with RP(again...). we lost 4-3 but we put up a really good show..we were not concentrating in the 1st 2 periods and we conceded the 4 goals..we did not concede any goals in the other 2 periods but instead we scored goals..we could have won but our finishing were not that good..
i hope this is a wake up call to the SP team and a motivation to work harder.
next week will be another tiring week. at least 5 days of floorball..but on wednesday the SP team will be having a team-bonding outing. an 18km treking.
we got our SP jersey yesterday..the jersey i very nice..balck and lime green. the font is very cool. can't wait to get the away jersey at the end of this month.hehe..ill upload the picture as soon as i get them from Zaki bu*
My goal for the IVP and Division 1:- 10 goals altogether
- score againts
Bo. - score againts Nhac Tre
- to help SP reach at least the semi-finals
note to Mustangs: guys thanks a lot. i really enjoyed playing with u guys. u guys tought me a lot and i simply love the never-say-die attitude in the team. i hope u guys understand. i leave cos i wanna gain more experience by playing in the Div.1. mayb one day ill come back to Mustangs and help u guys fight your way to Div 1. peace.
| name fought for sanity @ 1:13 PM|